Professional Development & Education in Living Architecture
For over 15 years, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities has provided professional development opportunities to over 15,000 green roof and wall industry professionals from around the world. Our training courses receive over 90% approval ratings and are led by industry experts and course contributors.
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities is dedicated to the development of high quality, non-proprietary professional training and learning resources through a variety of mediums. From the development of certification programs, to general knowledge courses, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities is the premier destination for expanding your knowledge of green roofs, green walls, green infrastructure, and their associated benefits and technologies.
Courses are available online through the Living Architecture Academy and through in-person at our events, making continuing education convenient for those who want expand their skill set and gain credibility in the field. Additionally we offers comprehensive Resource Manuals, available for purchase in the Green Infrastructure Store.
Our comprehensive, multi-disciplinary courses support the development of the living architecture industry in North America by providing detailed information on topics such as green roof design, installation and maintenance, green walls, integrated water management for buildings and site, and more.
GRHC is an approved continuing education provider with
Professional Training Courses
Online Training
The Living Architecture Academy is dedicated to bringing you the best, most up to date professional training on design, installation and maintenance practices on-demand with no expiration, so start your learning journey today!
Green Roof Professional
In-Person Training
Get hands on with an industry professional at one of our many in-person training opportunities. These sessions are held in conjunction with our events to further enhance your professional development experience.
Professional Certifications
Created in an effort to bridge the knowledge gap in industry training and best practice - from building science, horticulture, irrigation, waterproofing, plant physiology, structural engineering and beyond.
Cancellation Policy
Green Roof Installation & Maintenance Professional (GRIMP)
This new certification involves a combination of hands-on and presentation style training, introducing attendees to the basic skills and knowledge required to install green roofs and maintain them.
Registrations for regularly scheduled IN-CLASS courses may be cancelled online or by contacting training@greenroofs.org, up to THREE (3) DAYS prior to the course. A $50 cancellation fee will apply. We regret that we cannot cancel a registration after that point.
Please be advised that Green Roofs for Healthy Cities assumes no liability or responsibility for reimbursement of airfare, hotel, or any other travel related expenses incurred due to the postponement or cancellation of courses. We suggest contacting us before making any non-refundable travel arrangements.