Green Roofs Professional (GRP) Training & Accreditation
In 2009, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities (GRHC) launched the Green Roof Professional (GRP) Training & Accreditation program in an effort to bridge the knowledge gap in industry training and best practice. Before this, no traditional discipline or training contained all of the competencies necessary for green roof success- from building science, horticulture, irrigation, waterproofing, plant physiology, structural engineering and beyond. Since then, over 750 individuals have successfully completed the GRP Accreditation Exam and earned the GRP designation.
Green Roof Professional (GRP) Training program is comprised of three courses:
Green Roof Design & Installation
Green Roof Waterproofing & Drainage
Green Roof Plants & Growing Media
Each course has been carefully designed by experts to help you develop the knowledge you need to differentiate yourself within the market.
• Earn confidence and credibility in the green infrastructure field
• Distinguish yourself among industry professionals
• Protect your green roofing projects from sub-standard industry practice
• Optimize the range of benefits from your green roof projects
• Ensure projects provide long term results for maximum client satisfaction
• Earn up to 21 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for GRP Training course completion
•Benefit from policy that requires GRP Accredited staff
•Stay up to date in industry developments and best practice
•Become part of the GRP Community and benefit from an extensive professional network
•Demonstrate your commitment to the green roofing profession
Several different options are available for obtaining GRP Training:
• Attend GRP Training in-class | Digital manuals included
• Attend GRP Training online | Digital manuals included
• Combine GRP Training online and in class | Digital manuals included
• Purchase the GRP Training Manuals | Study independently
In order to complete the GRP Accreditation process, candidates must:
• Successfully complete the GRP Accreditation Exam
• Register for and maintain a GRHC Membership, fulfilling 16 CEUs bi-annually
The GRP training is designed for the following professionals:
Landscape architects
Roofing consultants and roofing contractors
Landscape contractors
Policy makers
Interested consumers
Digital Resource Manuals for each course are included with tuition. If you are unable to attend a course, or would like to acquire Hard Copy Resource Manuals, purchases can be made through the Green Infrastructure Store, or by contacting training@greenroofs.org.
GRHC offers contract training for groups. For more information, contact training@greenroofs.org.
For more information on the GRP Accreditation visit the GRP Accreditation FAQ page.
“Being a GRP has offered our company an added level of professionalism when dealing with building owners, contractors and architects. The multi-discipline approach to the training has given us a great base for project oversight and filled in gaps in our vegetative roof knowledge.”
GRP Accreditation Exam
GRP Accreditation is an indicator that an individual has achieved a specific knowledge level regarding green roof design, project management, installation and maintenance. In order to receive this designation, individuals must successfully pass the online GRP Accreditation Exam. This two-hour, multidisciplinary exam was developed by a committee of subject matter experts and vetted by Prometric®, the leading accreditation consulting firm worldwide. Visit our GRP Accreditation FAQ page for additional information.
✓ Low Cost
Online hosting is a cost-effective way to offer the GRP Accreditation Exam, and we are passing on the savings on to you. The exam registration cost has dropped from $425 USD, to only $249 USD.
✓ Convenient
Sitting the exam in-person is no longer necessary. This means no travel expenses are incurred during the accreditation process, and time away from work and home are greatly minimized.
✓ Comfortable
The exam can be written from the comfort of your home, office, or any other location with reliable access WiFi. Simply find a space that works for you, with internet connectivity, and sit the exam.
Take the GRP Accreditation Exam
You can begin the Online GRP Accreditation Exam by clicking the 'START' link below. Before attempting the exam, please take careful note of the following items :
In order to pass the GRP Accreditation Exam, candidates must receive a score of 80% or higher.
While anyone can take the GRP Accreditation Exam, it is highly recommended that individuals take all three training courses, or at a minimum, purchase and study from the course manuals. Attempting the exam without any prior study is strongly discouraged.
The GRP Accreditation Exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions, covering all the material contained in the three GRP Training courses and resource manuals.
Test takers have a total of two hours (120 minutes) to complete the GRP Accreditation Exam, but can submit their test before this time with no penalty. The exam must be taken in one sitting, with no option to pause and return later.
In the event that the exam is not passed, it can be written as early two months (60 days) after the original attempt. Secondary attempts of the exam made before the 60 day limit will not be considered valid.
The exam can be attempted an unlimited amount of times, but a fee of $249 USD will be charged for every attempt.
Test takers will be contacted with results within 2-3 weeks of the exam date. Successful candidates will be sent a GRP Accreditation Certificate Package. Unsuccessful candidates will receive an exam sub-score report, which can be used for better targeted study.
In the rare event of sudden internet of connectivity issues, the system will generally allow around 20 minutes for the user to continue to refresh the browser until a connection is restored. The test can then be resumed without losing answers.
If technical difficulties arise, please contact training@greenroofs.org and a representative from Green Roofs for Healthy Cities will contact you as soon as possible. Please note hours of operation are between 9:00am-5:00pm, Monday to Friday.
In addition to successfully completing the GRP Accreditation Exam, candidates are required to purchase and maintain a GRP Membership with Green Roofs for Healthy Cities.
The 'RESUME' button below refers to candidates who purchase the GRP Accreditation Exam, but wish to start it at a different point in time. It does not imply that the exam can be paused and returned to.
GRP Maintenance & Renewal
The ongoing maintenance of the Green Roof Professional (GRP) accreditation demonstrates that GRPs are keeping up to date with rapidly changing industry trends, technologies, and best practices.
In order to maintain accredited status, GRPs must satisfy the following requirements:
Renew an annual GRHC Renewing Green Roof Professional Membership or GRHC Renewing Affiliate Green Roof Affiliate Membership
Obtain and report 16 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) every two years beginning on the date the exam was written
How To Renew
As of January 1, 2011, all GRPs are required to hold an active GRHC membership.
Your membership can be renewed online by logging into the GRHC Member's Portal, and purchasing a membership from the "My Profile" section of the portal.
Alternatively, a hard copy renewal form may be completed and sent back to GRHC along with payment via fax or mail.
Obtaining Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
You must obtain 16 CEUs within two years of the date you wrote the exam, and every two years after that to maintain your GRP accredited status.
A minimum number of eight CEUs must be acquired by GRHC related activities, while the remaining eight can be acquired via external programs provided they are related to one or more aspects of green roof design, installation, or maintenance. In general, one CEU is equivalent to one hour of learning.
Types of activities which may qualify for CEUs include attending conferences, workshop, information sessions, courses (online or in person), webinars, presentation, or by submitting published articles.
Reporting Continuing Education Units
All CEUs are self-reported by submitting the CEU Reporting Sheet to membership@greenroofs.org.
Member Profiles will be audited to ensure compliance with these guidelines. Any credits being claimed that appear to fall outside the scope of the requirements described above will be reviewed by the Education Coordinator.
There will be a grace period of three months for reporting CEUs following each two year submission span. If CEUs are not self-reported by the end of the three month period then the GRP credential will not be renewed without paying a $200 penalty.
If an excess of CEUs are accumulated in the two-year period, up to 50% (8 CEUs) can be carried forward into the next two-year period.
GRP Continuing Education Options
Accredited GRPs have a variety of options for earning CEUs for credential maintenance. The most effective way to keep up with emerging industry trends, technologies, and best practices is to attend GRHC's annual conference CitiesAlive, or one of the specialized half-day courses. Recordings of conference sessions are also available in the Green Infrastructure Store.
These one-day events feature industry experts and local leaders presenting on green roofs and walls, local standout projects, and the importance of strong green roof and wall policy. These events also feature a trade show for local green roof and wall companies, interactive panel discussions, and workshops to help develop local policy. These events are certified for 8 GRP CEUs.
GRHC offers a number of full and half-day continuing education courses developed internally and through organizational partnerships. Courses are eligible for 1 CEU per class hour.
Recordings from technical sessions are made available after the conference if you were unable to attend, or wanted to revisit a topic. Presented as slides synced with audio, and sometimes video, these recordings are a great way to catch sessions you weren't able to attend. You can purchase Conference Recordings through the Green Infrastructure Store. Recordings are eligible for 1 CEU per hour of recording.