Living Wall Concepts, Ltd.

Living Wall Concepts is the growing leader in Living Walls in Canada. We supply custom made Carbon Positive modular Living Walls and permanent fixed Living Walls for Offices, Malls, Restaurants, Retail, or private clients. To have a Living Wall in your space is a prestigious show piece item that shows clients you are at the forefront of interior designs and environmentally conscious on the impact we make on the community. All our Modular Living Walls are custom built for each client and our Patent Pending soil-based system does not require any power, water, or drainage from our clients. Our system is a true environmentally friendly product. Most people do not see the effort corporations take to help lessen their carbon footprint or environmental impact on the community. Using LED lights, high efficiency HVAC systems and water conservation goes unnoticed. Living Wall Concepts helps put a “Green” face to an organization that strides to be a better company by implementing Living Walls and providing the concrete jungle with a tropical oasis, while maintaining the client’s professional look and flow of their space.